Fitness Program

Small Group Personal Training

Our Approach: It's Personal

If it doesn't work, we don't do it.

We take a different path from the fitness world's noise—ignoring quick fixes and empty promises.

We're not about "fat loss workouts" or "booty bootcamps." Why? Because we believe in the power of informed choices, regular, tailored exercise, and nutrition that fuels your body right. It's about sustainable health, not fleeting trends.

Tips and tricks
How Does It work
Personalized Intake

Every journey with us starts with getting to know you—your goals, your starting point, and your personal preferences.

This conversation lays the foundation for a training plan that fits you perfectly.

Understanding Your Needs

We start by pinpointing what you need from your fitness journey—be it health improvement, weight loss, muscle gain, or mental wellness.

Identifying these needs helps us tailor our approach to match your exact situation.

Defining Your Goals

Next, we define clear, achievable goals to steer your journey.

Whether you aim to run a marathon or just boost your daily energy, setting goals helps shape a focused, personalized pathway.

Assessing Your Starting Point

Every journey with us starts with getting to know you—your goals, your starting point, and your personal preferences.

This conversation lays the foundation for a training plan that fits you perfectly.

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Your Training Program

While you'll be engaging in the same exercises as the rest of the group, the way you perform them will be different. This customization is based on your specific needs, goals, and where you're starting from in your fitness journey. How do we achieve this personalized approach within a group setting?

Intensity Levels

The intensity with which you perform each exercise is adjusted to match your fitness level and objectives.

Exercise Modifications

Each exercise comes with variations to suit different abilities and goals. Whether it’s altering the range of motion, changing the equipment used, or providing alternative movements.

Rest Periods

The length of your rest periods between sets or exercises can be adjusted based on your current fitness level and recovery needs, ensuring you get the most out of every session without overexertion.

Rest is just as important as activity.
Personal Notebook

Every step of your journey is documented in your personal notebook. This not only allows us to track your progress closely but also enables precise, real-time adjustments to your training plan, ensuring it evolves with you.

You will receive your Personal Notebook after your first session.
Dedicated Personal Trainer

Our coaching philosophy?

Consistency is key. Your personal trainer becomes your fitness ally, deeply familiar with your journey and dedicated to providing bespoke support and motivation.

Ongoing Personalization

Our commitment to you extends beyond physical training.

With innovative tools like the Gymly App and thorough assessments, we ensure your program remains fresh, engaging, and aligned with your changing goals.

Nutrition Plan

Based on your needs and goals, we craft a nutrition plan that supports your training, aids recovery, and helps you reach your health goals efficiently.

Nutrition is a cornerstone of your wellness journey.
InBody Measurements

Gain insights into your muscle mass, body fat percentage, and water balance.

These detailed InBody measurements guide us in customizing your exercise and nutrition plans to target your specific health markers.

Hormonal Profiling

Hormonal profiling helps us identify any imbalances that might affect your energy levels, mood, weight, and overall health, allowing for truly personalized wellness recommendations.

Gymly App

The Gymly app allows you to easily book classes, offering a convenient way to schedule your workouts directly from your device.

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30 Day Kick-start

No Commitment.
Become stronger, fitter and get in the best shape of your life with our exclusive 30 Day Trial Experience.


Onze fitnessprogramma's zijn gericht op het bevorderen van fysieke fitheid en het bouwen van een sterk en gezond lichaam.


Een gezond dieet speelt een essentiële rol in ons welzijn. Daarom hechten we bij Health veel belang aan voedingseducatie en -ondersteuning.

Mental Wellbeing

Naast fysieke en voedingsaspecten is geestelijke gezondheid van cruciaal belang voor een holistisch welzijn.

Personal Approach

Onze fitnessprogramma's zijn ontworpen om onze leden een op maat gemaakte fitnesservaring te bieden.